Monday, August 13, 2007

Importing from my blog to Elgg

Thanks to Scott Wilson, I learned a little Elgg trick which will enable imports of posts from my non-Elgg blog to Elgg.

The trick, which should really be more widely known:
1. login to Elgg
2. go to your profile
3. click on resources under your photo on your profile page
4. click on Feeds on the lhs side of the page
4. add the address of an RSS or an Atom feed for your blog (see notes 1 and particularly 2 below)
6 click on Publish to Blog (next to the Feeds you clicked)
7. tick the checkbox next to your newly added feed, and add a tag for Elgg to tag your incoming posts with, then click the update button.
[ Added: Hmm :-( seems update has to be pressed after making a
post on the foreign blog, probably each time an import is needed ]

Thats it! Thanks Scott!

Note 1: Don't know what RSS and Atom are? Try this little video.
Note 2: It probably is a good idea to only import posts pertinent to Emerge. I am using a feed for posts in my blog which I tag as emerge. That way you wont get an entry about Tony Wilson, should I make one.



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